Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5, 2010: I Hope You Like the Color Green

... because we have enough of it here in North Carolina! This time every year the Oak trees explode! The spew thick green pollen on everything coating the entire world in green. The dusting is complete, if you sit still for five minutes your are covered. It is atrocious! We could use a little rain wash all this away.

Today was a good day, a teacher workday. Evan was at work with me today without any students. I spent the entire day getting my grades entered and finalized. They are due tomorrow by 8am and I will not have time to take care of it before that time, so I needed to get it done today. Evan is such a good kid, he is my champ! He spent the entire day watching movies on the big screen, drawing pictures, playing his DS. We went to lunch at Five Guys with a few other teachers. And Evan contributed to conversations almost like he was one of the grownups. He is awesome.

We had our first softball game this evening. A great way to start the season; we won 19-6. I went 4-4, with a triple, 3 RBIs, and 2 runs scored. It felt great to win, but I had butterflies most of the game. Well, I make it sound like a long game, we did run rule them after 4 innings, but I did have the butterflies for the duration.

Yesterday, Donovan McNabb was traded from the Philadelphia Eagles to division rival Washington Redskins. Normally trading a quality player to a division rival would be a no-no, but considering it is the Redskins, it doesn't matter. What is worse is how the Redskins (former) starting quarter back Jason Campbell found about about the trade - from a reporter who called his home to get Campbell's take on the deal. You would think the team would want to be the first to let the player know about a trade that will affect his status as a starter. Looks to me like Campbell will be throwing the football for another franchise come this fall. But what can you expect from Dan Snyder?

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