Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12, 2010: Crazy turn lanes!

I didn't realize it had been since Wednesday that I posted! I knew I took off for the weekend but forgot I hadn't posted at the end of the week either! Oh well, here we go.

So the Town of Cary comes up with a brilliant idea that violates rule #1: "If it's not broke, don't fix it." (Actually, Rule #1 in my class is "Read the Directions", so this is a later rule). Well apparently Cary thought it had a better idea than your usual turn arrows. It now has a crazy plan with a strange blinking yellow arrow. When the light for the oncoming traffic turns green, the turn lane will show a blinking yellow even if your side of the road remains red. It is the stupidest thing I ever saw. So now, when you get a blinking yellow, you don't really know what you are supposed to do... Do you wait because your traffic has a red, do you go because your light changed? The correct answer is choice 'c', take your chances and good luck! I saw an accident Saturday because the light turned blinking yellow and a car turned while the oncoming traffic turned green. This could easily have been avoided if the town had simply LEFT THINGS ALONE!

The weekend rolled by way too quickly. Before I knew it I was getting ready for school this morning. At least I like my classes this semester, but still getting up at 5am and being at work before 7am just seems unholy. We are rolling through the branches of government and will be testing on executive and judicial branches by the end of the week. The problem is, I am not sure what to do between now and the test. Do I bore them to death and just give them worksheets? Or should I try to be creative after years of having my creativity stifled by apathetic and unmotivated students? I am trying a few things differently; my honors class emailed their assignment to me this weekend, it was due by 7:25am this morning to my inbox! It was a current event project of sorts and I think it went over well. I will figure out how successful it was once I grade everyone's work. I have now assigned a timeline project for the President's cabinet. This is due next Monday, it is to be a poster so no email this time.

Evan and Michelle went to Wrightsville Beach for the day. They seemed to have a nice time but Michelle did not put sun block on in time and now looks like a lobster. One day she will learn, but I doubt it.

Another softball game today. We won again, this time 11-6. We are now 3-0 and in first place! I am still hitting well, I went 3-4 today, with one double, 2 runs scored, and 1 run batted in. So far I am 9 for 12, with 2 triples, 2 doubles, 6 runs batted in, 5 runs scored. I account for 26% of our run production! I feel really good about my contribution to the team! I am a little disappointed and relieved at the same time - no one is hitting the ball to me. I like to think it is because they know better, but I just think they just haven't hit the ball to me for no particular reason other than it just hasn't happened. For that I am disappointed because I want to field the ball, get some action out there. On the other hand, my should is probably around 60% and it is a good thing I haven't had to throw and make any plays.

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