Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010: Turn Signals!!!

If there is one thing that drives me mad on the road it is when people do not use their turn signals! They spend so much money on their cars and then choose not to use all the features - what is up with THAT? They slow down, slow down crawl to an intersection and finally turn without any warning, and I then miss the light. That is the one time a person should be allowed to just punch someone in the nose.

Today Evan woke me up on the wrong side of the bed. Basically he does this every weekend. His routine is simple: wake up early and call into our room, "Mom, what time is it?" It is usually sometime before 7am. "It is ___, go back to sleep." After about 25-30 minutes, Evan climbs out of bed, uses the bathroom in our room, drops the toilet seat with a bang, flushes the toilet, and then climbs into bed. Actually, more like climbs ONTO the bed, onto Michelle usually but then proceeds to reach across and touch me. Not for nothing, the last thing I want at a quarter after 7 in the morning is an 8 year old gently touching my arm! Usually he will not be content until one of us gets up with him and goes downstairs. Even if we convince him to just lay there with us, he cannot lay still. So this morning after repeated commands for him to go into his own bed, I finally just got up and came downstairs. I hate that kind of morning, which, as I said, is most weekends.

Today we attended the Easter Egg hunt in downtown Raleigh, at Moore Square. It was nice, organized moderately well, but still pretty chaotic! Evan only came away with six eggs after two runs. Even though he would like to get many more eggs, he is over it. He knows whatever is inside he can get elsewhere, and likely already has somewhere in his playroom!

Afterwards, Michelle and Evan went fishing with Dan and Aidan. I chose to head home and attack the back yard yet again - my never ending battle with the trees and whatever they feel like dropping into my yard. My goal today was to get rid of more leaves from the fall and all of the "prickly balls" that the trees drop. I did as much as I could before I ran out of gas in the leaf blower, I will finish the job tomorrow morning in order to clear the way for our little Easter Egg hunt in the back yard.

We ate dinner watching the hockey game on TV and true to form, the Canes lost at home 4 - 0, AGAIN. At least this time we weren't at the game! We know they are not going to make the playoffs but I'll be damned if they aren't going to cut it close. It is made all the worse when the TV announcer before every game tell the audience how close they are and that the Canes still have a chance. Why do they do that? They renew my hope every time, even after I have resigned myself to a short season.

Anyway, here a couple of pics from the Easter Egg hunt today, I will likely add some of tomorrow.

Aidan, Carlee, and Evan

Evan, Aidan, and Carlee

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