Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 19, 2008 - School after School

The past 2 days have been filled with elementary school after elementary school. Yesterday was Chris' 2nd grade program, "Going West." Chris' class chronicled the experiences of those who were involved in Manifest Destiny and expanding the United States from coast to coast. Today Evan had his 1st grade program, "American Tribute." Evan's class sang patriotic songs and gave information about symbols of America. Evan was a little shy, or nervous, but performed when he needed to. He spent a good amount of time singing from behind a tissue so that he would not have to make eye contact with anyone in the audience. This evening we returned to Evan's school for "Meet the Teacher" night where we meet Evan's 2nd grade teacher. It is amazing, he is already going to be entering the 2nd grade! What is also weird is that he hasn't finished 1st grade yet, he still has 6 more days. The year-round schedule makes it necessary to hold "Meet the Teacher" at this time because in two weeks tracks 1-3 will be starting the school year, while Evan's track, track 4, will be tracked out for 3 additional weeks.

I have added some more pics to MyPhotoAlbum:
Fishing at Lake Johnson: May 25, 2008
Evan's Birthday Dinner: May 29, 2008
More Strawberry Picking: May 30, 2008
Evan's 7th Birthday Party: May 31, 2008
At the Pool: June 1, 2008
Chris' 2nd Grade Program: June 18, 2008
Evan's 1st Grade Program: June 19, 2008

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