Monday, February 18, 2008

February 18, 2008

In loving memory of Anthony Caggia, you were taken away from us WAY too soon.
(August 19, 1987 - February 5, 2008)

On February 5, 2008, my cousin, Anthony Caggia passed away. He was only 20 years old. It has been a very difficult time. My brother and I went to Tampa to mourn with the family last weekend. We met my parents and sister there, attended the wake and funeral, and visited with the dozens of people who were in and out of my unlce's house that day. We returned to North Carolina Saturday night. I have come to terms with his passing, though it isn't easy. What is even more difficult is thinking about my aunt, uncle and cousin who must carry on without him. It broke my heart to see them last weekend and how upset they were, and still are. Pete and I were pall bearers. Gladly, it is the first time I had ever had that responsibility, and I hope the last. When we received the phone call that Tuesday night, my dad prefaced his conversation with "I have bad news from Florida." Before it fully registered, I heard "I have bad news," and I asusmed it was Grandpa who has been in relatively poor health for a while. But then it completely registered and I was in complete shock when he finished.

Strangely, we haven't been that close with my father's side of the family. When I was young I guess I could "blame" my parents for not getting together as much for whatever reason, but now I only have myself to blame. So I resolve to change that. I will be in touch more with them. It will be my effort, so I will be the only person to blame if it doesn't work out.

When we returned on Saturday, Evan came down with the flu the very next day. He was off all last week and went back to school today. Since I am off today for Presdents' Day on the traditional calendar and he is not off on the Year-Round calendar, I brought him to school. It was sweet, he wanted me to walk him in. I was glad to. I delivered his absent note and permission form for a field trip. I also picked up his box of valentines. He missed Valentine's Day at school, so he will be delivering his valentines to his classmates today.

Tomorrow is a teacher workday for me, I am glad. I will finally have a chance to clean up from last semester and get papers graded that have been piling up!

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