Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010: A Day Lost

Originally scheduled, today was to be Spring Break, BUT the county decided to close school on a day that didn't need to be closed. So this morning I had to be up at my usual time to go to work. And what a WASTE of a day today was. I only saw 25 of my 90 students today - 5 in 1st period, 7 in 2nd period, and 13 in 4th period. Essentially today was a waste of a day in the curriculum. Fortunately I had planned to finish showing Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and while it is an excellent movie and is an excellent example of Congress in action as well as the potential for corruption and the power of the media, the students didn't miss any actual instruction, only enrichment. So I can live with that. On the bright side, I used the day to my advantage to get a good many papers graded so next Monday when I go in for a teacher workday I will have more time to plan ahead and will spend less time catching up on the past.

I forgot to mention that yesterday we went to see the movie, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was cute, I enjoyed it. We took Chris and Brendan with us, they liked it too. I recommend it for younger audiences, I rate it 4 out of 5 stars for children's movie. (There is about a 25 second lead-in with nothing before the actual trailer begins).

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