Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 15, 2007

Yesterday was, pretty much, business as usual, save I taught an additional class during my planning period. I went over some homework, gave a quiz, gave some notes, all on a topic that my classes haven't gotten to yet - we will be there by the end of this coming week. That usually leads to a very long day - no planning on a Friday. But it also makes the day go by quicker. In my World History classes we played a game to review for a test on Monday. In my Civics & Economics class we finished up the era in US History between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I feel pretty confident that they will do will on Monday's test as well.

I signed up for a course about the Holocaust and Genocide. It is mostly a work from home course, but there are two required meetings, one to kick it off and one to wrap it all up. I am looking forward to it, it seems that it will be a very interesting topic.

It rained yesterday!!! It was amazing, truly. It rained from about 1:15pm into the night. It was really exciting. So much so that my class actually began to cheer when they heard it coming down on the roof of the trailer. I was pretty excited myself, although I did not cheer out loud with them. I am glad for the rain but am going to call my lawn service to suggest they come out again to seed since the heavy rains may have washed away much of the seed they put down on Thursday. And for $249, I definitely want to have some grass next year!

Today Evan had a soccer game. It was not quite as hot, so he enjoyed it a bit more, but he still doesn't want to exert himself quite enough to really consider himself dedicated to soccer. He will either figure out that if he wants to get better he will have to try harder or he will know enough to play around with his friends but find that playing on an organized team isn't for him. Either way is just fine, I just don't want him to be disappointed. We also went to a 2nd anniversary party for Michelle's work. It has been 2 years since Carolina Endocrine opened - It has been two years since Michelle has had to change jobs! (Sorry hon, but it got to the point where nobody could keep up!) It was really nice, there were plenty of kids and Evan was definitely occupied. He enjoyed himself so much that he did not want to come home, he cried the entire drive home. Not too loud though. So since he was carrying on and forcing himself to cry, Michelle and I were able to carry on our own conversation.

Tomorrow Evan and I are planning to go to the Caniac Carnival to kick off the hockey season. There will be rides, music, games, food and they will be giving away free tickets and bracelets to go and get autographs as well. We would like to get some free tickets for tomorrows preseason game against Washington, but I don't plan on being there from before 10am to be there until the end of a game beginning at 3pm, I may not make it, let alone Evan. We'll see. I told Evan not to be disappointed if there aren't any tickets left by the time we get there, he said it would OK.


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